Pints. Pints are great. Over here, we’ve been drinking them since 1698.
568ml of beery goodness. Don’t ask us why they’re that much. They just are.
We cheers them in the good times, and sink them in the bad.
The issue is, it’s not 1698 anymore and for a fair few of us these days, there’s a lot more to beer than getting drunk.
We want to have pints on Friday and do things on Saturday morning.
We want to have pints with work and not end up on HR’s hit list.
We want to have all day pints and not send 15 messy voice notes to an ex.
So, we’ve changed pints a bit. We’ve taken out the stuff that was causing us a headache (literally), and kept the things we like.
But don’t fret. They’re still 568ml.