See.Think.Do. Denise Chippindale
Launching a mental health platform in lockdown, kicking negative self talk and following your passions with General Assembly’s Head of Marketing, Partnerships & Community Engagement, Denise Chippindale.
Hey Denise. Whereabouts are you right now?
Currently enjoying sunny London which is where I’ve been hiding during lockdown.
What (if anything) is getting you excited right now?
I’m excited to see life slowly returning to normal. The buzz is back around the streets, the sun is shining and the happy vibes are back. I can’t wait to hug friends and be reunited with loved ones.
Tell us about your journey with Anxious As Anything. Where did the idea come from and when did you take that first big / small step?
I’ve ridden the waves of highs and lows with the lows becoming so unbearable that I was hospitalised. Since then, I’ve lived with depression and anxiety, learning how to manage my own mind and thoughts.
In December 2020, in the middle of the third national lockdown, I decided to channel my anxious thoughts into ‘Anxious As Anything’ - A free platform originally to assist my friends and teammates in helping them deal with whatever they are feeling and now available to the community.
‘Anxious As’ is a friendly hub to assist you in all those feels. By incorporating laughter and authenticity, my aim is to take the mental health stigma out of our overthinking' noggins or at the very least, yours.
What’s been your highlight to date?
As a marketing professional, the growth of ‘Anxious As Anything’ has been overwhelming to see. ‘Anxious As’ has turned into a platform that people needed and were looking for which brings me mixed emotions. Reading DMs about how it’s helped someone's day is incredible to see and I’m grateful to be able to provide a drop of knowledge and fill people’s pockets with some happiness to take with them.

What have you learnt in the last 12 months that you could apply to your next challenge/goal?
I think the pandemic has been a learning experience for all of us. Personally, I’ve come out of 2020 feeling that we’ve conquered some tough times but things are looking up. We are stronger than we think and the amount of community spirit has been amazing to see. I hope that my versatility will continue in 2021 and beyond.
What’s been inspiring you recently?
I’ve revisited reading How to Fail by Elizabeth Day. One of my favourite books that helps me re centre and focus. Highly recommend it.
How do you think about mental health and what helps you manage it?
Mental Health used to be a really scary thing for me. However the more I read and acknowledge it, the more I feel empowered to conquer things and change my mindset.
I definitely try to focus my energy into work or passions outside my day to day so I don’t get lost in my head. It’s also handy to focus on Anxious As Anything as whatever I’m going through, I try to portray that into the work that shows on the platform.
Any bad habits you’d like to kick?
Negative self talk. Sometimes it can be noisy.
How will you measure “success” in 10 years' time?
I think my goal of success will change constantly but If I am a confident woman in my own skin, who’s following her passions and surrounded by people who are loving, nurturing and ultimately, my cheerleaders in life, I’ll be lucky and happy.
What’s the next adventure?
Hopefully going back home to Australia when the borders reopen to give my nieces and nephew a big squeeze! In the meantime, exploring around the UK every change I get.
Denise Recommends
Top Local Spot: Can’t beat Hackney Wick and in particular Barge East.
Watch out for: Bo Burnham - Inside (Netflix).
Best new thing: Blends on Spotify. Merges a friend and your own playlists to create the ultimate shared list of bangers!
Smallest change/ biggest impact: #POSITIVEPOST POSTCARDS Small note, biggest smiles.
Your message in a bottle: Grow through what you go through.
What's doing at Days
Researching: Green list holiday destinations.
Organising: Run Clubs.
Eating: Secret Sandwich shop.
Listening to: Pelota (Cut A Rug Mix).