See.Think.Do with Peigh Asante
This week we talk alarm clocks, letting go and Scotch bonnets with creative visionary Peigh Asante founder of Trapfruits LDN & Swim Dem Crew.
Hi Peigh. Whereabouts are you at the moment?
I'm currently sat in the back of a taxi on my way from back from an edit suite in Soho. I've been working from here the past 7 days and it's been a treat to travel into town, especially during Lockdown 2.0 when the city has been super quiet and still.
What is getting you excited right now?
We just got our first ever van for Trapfruits LDN (my fruit company) and I'm pretty stoked about that. It's wrapped with all our branding and everything. It looks great! I can't wait to show it to my Mum IRL!
Congrats on the launch of Trapfruits. Can you tell us about it?
We're a fruit delivery company that delvers fresh fruit direct to your door! We offer weekly, bi-weekly and one off fruit drops. Our subscription boxes are a blend of seasonal British classics and Afro-Caribbean staples like plantain!
What are you most proud of (so far)? Any highlights?
Affording the opportunity to offer my little brother his first ever Saturday job with Trapfruits LDN- that's what really makes me proud! I vividly remember my first ever Saturday job. It was at my local post office sweeping the floor. I sometimes got paid in Malteasers and Capri Sun, so it's nice now to be able to pay my brother in British pound sterling.
Trapfruit's motto is "health is wealth"- what has the last 6 months taught you?
As cliche as it sounds, the past 6 months have really highlighted how important our health is. On a personal level it has also taught me to let go. If something isn't working out it's ok to let go.
You also Co-Founded the hugely popular community swim group Swim Dem Crew- a healthy & active lifestyle seems important to you, what keeps you motivated?
A healthy & active lifestyle is important to me but it's all about balance. Go out and enjoy yourself but don't forget to look after yourself. One body- one life!
What's been inspiring you recently?
I can honestly say I'm inspired by all my friends and peers doing amazing things! I get so happy seeing them succeed. In my mind's eye if they win I win and vice versa.
How do you approach mental health? What helps you manage it?
Staying active! That's my number one coping mechanism. A healthy & active lifestyle is key to keeping my mental health at bay.
What's your advice for taking the first step into something different?
"Throw yourself into it. Learn by doing. Let experience lead the way" these are life mantras that I live by. I've been lucky enough to never be plagued with the fear of failure and because of this I've been able to move forward and take steps in the right direction.
Any bad habits you'd like to kick?
I've got such a sweet tooth, you would think with all this fruit I wouldn't crave any artificial sugars. But nope, sugar really is my Achilles heel.
How will you measure "success" in 10 years time?
I'm a simple man, having a family that I'm able to provide for- that's all that matters to me
What's the next adventure?
Oh, great question. I really don't know. I never really seem to go looking for adventures- they always seem to have a way of finding me.
Top Local Spot: Eat of Eden in Brixton. It's a vegan Jamaican spot. The pumpkin curry is sensational!
Watch out for: I recently bought this hot sauce from my local farmer's market on the weekend and it's honestly the best hot sauce I've tasted in a while. It's a scotch bonnet, mango & cucumber recipe made by a guy called Pat from Guyana who is constantly travelling corners of the Caribbean looking for new ways to improve his recipe.
Best New Thing: I'm loving Steve McQueen's Small Axe at the moment. It's a collection of 5 individual films set in London between 1960 & 1970. Each film is a doorway into the lives fo the West Indian immigrant community during that time.
Smallest Change/ Biggest Impact: The smallest change that's had the biggest impact for me is definitely my relationship with my phone. 3 years ago I bought an alarm clock and since then I don't look at my phone before bed, or first thing when waking up. I delay my interaction with the world until I'm ready.
Your message in a bottle: Learn by doing!
What's doing at Days (from Mike & Duncs)
Doing: Planning
Reading: about Monoliths
Listening: Liquid Assets
Trying: Homethings
Learning:Funnels (marketing)